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FAQs around data protection
Written by Chandrasekhar Yeddanapudi
Updated over 4 months ago

Flixmedia guarantees a DPA to all new retailer integrations for our mutual protection

What data do we collect?​

We do collect shopper data, such as impressions, clicks, video plays, dwell time, add to cart clicks etc)​. For the avoidance of doubt we NEVER expose the actual ATC clicks, rates or value of an individual retailer​

What data do we NOT collect?

We collect no sensitive information or Personally Identifiable Information and no transactional data. ​

What does Flixmedia do with the data it collects?​

We do not sell the data to any third parties. We simply use the data to track our content performance.​

Benefits of Flixmedia collecting this data?​

These in-house dashboard services allow our partners to optimise their content offering and help shoppers, thereby selling more. This benefits the brand and the shopper.

We have noticed that Flixmedia is setting a pixel/cookie on our website. Is there any way, we can have Flixmedia integrated without using a pixel/cookie?

We have a Flix GVID cookie placed in the browser as a session cookie. The GVID is used to track the website visitor’s interactions with Flixmedia’s content and to improve the shopper experience. If the Shopper blocks it on their browser or if you block it as part of your Consent management platform, our services still operate without any impact.

If GVID is blocked, you (Flixmedia) won’t be able to track anything?

If GVID cookie is blocked, then all the event logs fired will be without GVID and will be completely anonymous i.e., logs fired will not associate them to any GVID which is the identifier issued to a shopper based on their IP address + User agent.

Is the information collected through Flixmedia’s technology ‘Personal Data’?

No. Flixmedia collects information about individuals’ interactions with the website. This information includes the individuals’ IP address, browser agent and their use of the page (if they have seen / interacted with the syndicated content etc.). IP addresses relate to between 1,000 – 65,000 individuals. In addition to this, Flixmedia does not (and cannot) create a unique profile about individuals from the information collected to identify them, nor does Flixmedia collect other information about individuals which will help to identify them. The information collected is not used to learn anything about individuals; it is collected to measure the performance of the content served. For these reasons, the information collected by Flixmedia does not constitute personal data because individuals cannot be identified from it.

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